Thursday, February 1, 2007

The new Journal Square...

Can you afford not to invest in Journal Square?
Grant Hardeway
Keller-Williams Realty
8901 Kennedy blvd.
North Bergen,NJ

I remember the day I drove into Jersey City looking for an apartment with a few friends. It was on a rainy october day eleven years ago. Coming from Texas I was to say the least shocked by the appearance of the square itself. So much hustle and bustle. To my mind that equaled confusion and chaos. To my friends it looked dangerous and desolate. Needless to say we had heard bad things about Jersey City.
However years later and after having invested in the Journal Square area I am even more shocked at the return on my investement today then I was at my first visit, who would've known the potential that the square possessed back then?
In the mid 90's anyone with a little bit of vision could've invested in a two bedroom condominium in the "Square" for as little as $30,000.00 Today however, those same units with comparable square footage are commanding as much as 10 times as much!

Major Hubs of Transportation always attract new development

In 1996 my friends and I were flight attendants looking for a cheap apartment with transportation that could get us into Newark. Journal Square enabled us to get back and forth with minimal effort, and we were always willing to zoom into the city at a moment's notice.
In fact, the members of our group who chose not to live in JC spent more time at our place than their own out in Rahway!

1 comment:

MindminerOmega said...
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Enjoy the Blog!

Take a drive around the Journal Square neighborhood with me!

Thank you for you visit!