Thursday, February 1, 2007

211 Webster- Jersey City Heights

When a buddy of mine called me up and asked me about helping him to rehab a condo that he had just bought I was a little reluctant.
My wife is constantly asking me to do things around the house and I spend the whole day trying to find the most diplomatic means to getting out of hanging a picture!

So this was a project that I really did'nt have too much interest in. But now looking at the pictures of the kitchen, we're really proud of our work. Here's the rub. Even though those renovations that every body talks about are a royal pain in the butt, they really and truly fetch returns. The average buyer out there thinks just like you and me, do you think that they really want to spend their days sweating, and with sawdust stuck to them? Nope! They want to walk right in and enjoy the fruits of someone else's labor. Want to view the area? Click on this link in order to see!

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