Thursday, February 1, 2007

Increasing your home's value

The property market is very unpredictable nowadays – sales are slowerand buyers more demanding. It can therefore be difficult to make aprofit on selling your home unless you think carefully about how tomake it more marketable. Increasing the living space is always the bestway to add value to property, for example by building an extension orconservatory or converting a loft or basement, but this can involvemajor work and a large outlay. For those who can’t afford to make suchbig changes, simply renovating or redecorating can make a difference,and it needn’t be expensive. In fact, you should be wary of splashingout too much money on cosmetic changes as the increase in propertyvalue that they will achieve is normally quite limited. Having saidthis, if you spend wisely, you can make your home more marketable andincrease your profit when you sell.The key selling features of most houses are the bathroom(s) andkitchen, and updating them can make a house much more attractive tohomebuyers.A bathroom is no longer a functional room – it’s now a place of luxury,a sanctuary within the home where we can relax from our busy lives.People are looking for stylish design and luxury features – heatedtowel rails, whirlpool baths, multi-jet showers, fitted furniture, andsink vanity units. You don’t always need a large room to achieve this –there are many clever space-saving options available, such as combinedfurniture and suite units, wall-mounted towel rails, a shower over thebath or corner sinks and toilets. An it needn’t cost the earth either –DIY stores have a wide range of bathroom furniture, suites, fixturesand fittings. Always play it safe though – neutral white is the bestoption, as it can be co-ordinated with any colour of décor tosuit all tastes.Ensuite toilets are very attractive to homebuyers and will add value to a home, aslong as they’re in a good location in the bedroom and don’t detract toomuch from the bedroom space.The same is true of kitchens – people want style, luxury and space.Kitchen design is very important and there are many modern ways ofmaximising what room you have. New fitted kitchens can be veryexpensive though, especially if you’re having all the work done by aprofessional company, so you may not recoup the value in the short term.A major turn-off for homebuyers is a home with no central heating as itcan require a great deal of work and expense – installing a boiler,laying pipes and fitting radiators. However, if you have the work doneyourself before putting your house up for sale, you’ll increase themarketability of your property and you’re certain to make your moneyback when you sell.Replacing windows can make a big difference too. Aside from the factthat old window frames can make a property look unsightly, they makenot provide effective insulation. New windows can reduce heating billsdramatically and can be easier to maintain, particularly the uPVCvariety. Beware of fitting uPVC windows in period properties though –they can look cheap and out of place. New double glazing units on allyour windows shouldn’t cost more than a few thousand pounds.Even just a lick of paint and a few new soft furnishings can make theworld of difference to freshen up a room and make it look moreattractive. Redecorating isn’t expensive and it’s easy to do yourself.Choose fairly subtle or neutral colours to try to appeal to most tastes.Here are some useful tips to consider whatever work you decide to carry out on your home:
Do a cost-benefit analysis – is it worthwhile? Are you likely tomake your money back?
Hire a plumber, electrician or joiner for some of the trickerparts – or at least consult someone for advice. They may be able toprovide you with useful guidance on how to carry out the work.
Before you start, always work out a budget and decide where youwill get the money from to finance the work.
Don’t bite off more than you can chew – only do as much work asyou can afford in terms of both time and money.Biography:Author: Benedict Rohan

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