Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Journal Square continues to climb in popularity!

Remember when you were in High School? What crazy days those were, some people like me have trouble remembering all of the "good times", but there is no shortage of memories involving the sacred cow of those youthful days..."POPULARITY".

Popularity is a barometer for success or failure. Think about it for a moment, whole political campaigns are based on a candidates popularity.

"What's all that got to do with Real Estate, Grant?" You must be asking...well, Alot!
Keep in mind that we are experiencing a crucial moment in the real estate market at this time. It is not neccessarily a slow is a metamorphosis. In order to guage your success as an investor it is crucial to know where the money is going now, and why.
Why is an area popular or unpopular and what are the factors that create this popularity?

Jersey City continues to gain popularity for a number of vital reasons, reasons that you will deem important to your decision to invest in the Journal Square area! It could be that you are wondering...

"What are some of these reasons?"

1. Jersey City is considered the state's "Destination City" it is the state's financial engine, in fact... The New Jersey Business and Industry Association found the city accounted for 90 percent of new jobs produced by the state’s urban centers!

2. 18 million square feet of office space and growing, makes Jersey City the 12th largest downtown in the United States. Hey, keep in mind that in 1980 Jersey City only possessed a mere 1 million square of office space!

3. Journal Square, perhaps one of the most important projects in the city’s redevelopment. Why? It is the geographical heart of the metropolis, and offers even more opportunity to continue the already rampant regrowth of the city.

With such popularity amongst the investment circles, it is certainly clear to see how your investment will fare in the near future. Jersey City's metamorphosis on the "Gold Coast" is rapidly transforming the whole of the city. There are now plans to construct a continuation of the Bergen Light Rail in the Marion Section west of Journal Square!

As more and more investors from a variety of philosphies and backgrounds continue to invest in the city's future. Journal Square's popularity continues to rise!

Enjoy the Blog!

Take a drive around the Journal Square neighborhood with me!

Thank you for you visit!