Monday, April 23, 2007

Model of Urban Future?

For the past 4 years I have been asked by friends and colleagues one question...why I chose to invest in Jersey City. It is one question that has always provoked laughter, because I thought that it was "apparent". Seemingly it was not, because if it had been so obvious they would not have been compelled to ask the question, right? Wrong. I guess I suffered from a lack of understanding, and they a lack of vision, that I thought everyone possessed.
Luckily for me, a friend that also invested in Jersey City told me about an article that he had read in the USA today that will shed light on my reason for parking my monopoly money on this area.USA Today could not have said it any better. The truth of the matter is... Journal Square is a mere 2 Path stops from WTC, just what do you think is going to occur when all of the office space that will go up in the former WTC site is erected and leased?

It is my opinion that those looking for a economically feasible apartment will also look to Jersey City as a means to finding housing. Housing that is not only affordable but accessible as well.

And, it is no secret that the market is not the same as it was 2-3 years ago. Which means that by investing now, you might expect to reap the rewards of the cylical nature of the real estate market. But hey, that's just my opinion. It seems that my opinion is based in sound ideas. Now, instead of being asked what made me chose to invest in Jersey City, I am being asked why did'nt I invest more...

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Monday, April 9, 2007


Enjoy the Blog!

Take a drive around the Journal Square neighborhood with me!

Thank you for you visit!